Anti-Aging Games
"We're lucky to have a world-class team. Our games are designed by Nolan Bushnell, Founder of Atari, in collaboration with the best scientists we could find. features fun and easy...
View ArticleBrainGate - BrainGate System
A long-term goal of the BrainGate research team is to create a system that, quite literally, turns thought into action – and is useful to people with neurologic disease or injury, or limb loss....
View ArticleFor This Video Game, No Hands Necessary
In a futuristic twist on the classic video game Pong developed by a Manhattan collective, a headset measuring brain activity controls the movement of the paddle.See it on, via Cognitive...
View ArticleBrain wave meter knows what you're thinking, so get your mind out of the...
A team from Keio University has built a brain scanner that knows when you're stressed, sleepy or interested. (Video)See it on, via Cognitive Enhancement Technologies
View ArticleGamification can encourage employees to stay in good health and maintain...
When it comes to health, employees respond better to social rewards than financial incentives. Avivia has developed Yonder, a gamified wellness program solution for companies.See it on, via...
View ArticleFuture brain implants could run on brain fuel
Research at MIT has produced a fuel cell that could power small neural implants with the same source of energy as the brain itself: glucose...See it on, via Cognitive Enhancement Technologies
View ArticleBiosensors to monitor U.S. students' attentiveness
(Reuters) - The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, which has poured more than $4 billion into efforts to transform public education in the U.S., is pushing to develop an "engagement pedometer."...
View ArticleBrain Pulse Music
Music recorded from EEG waves helps to heal tsunami victims...In the wake of last year's devastating tsunami, artist Masaki Batoh sought to address the emotional wreckage caused by the Great East Japan...
View ArticleOpenVibe2 Applying Brain-Computer Interface For Children With ADHD - Forbes
Using an academic headpiece, the user focuses on moving the rocket. Brain control is not in the distant future, it's alive and finding useful applications for itself in both academics and the gaming...
View ArticleScientists developing device to 'hack' into brain of Stephen Hawking - Telegraph
(iBrain) Stephen Hawking is testing out a groundbreaking device to allow him to communicate through brain waves in a project that scientists have likened to 'hacking into his brain.'...See it on...
View ArticleNew Brain-Machine Spelling Device Could Help the Paralyzed Communicate:...
Assigning unique patterns of brain activity to each letter of the alphabet lets people answer questions with their thoughts, which might help patients with locked-in syndrome communicate...See it on...
View ArticleA Surgical Implant for Seeing Colors Through Sound
Neil Harbisson, a colorblind European artist who has gained fame as a cyborg who "sees" colors through sound, is planning to have an operation that will fuse his listening device to his skull.See it on...
View ArticleMind-Controlled Games Become Reality
Picture this: You put on a headset and relax your mind. Soon you begin controlling an object with your thoughts. Several companies are now bringing this technology to life with affordable headsets that...
View ArticleJane McGonigal: The game that can give you 10 extra years of life | Video on...
TED Talks When game designer Jane McGonigal found herself bedridden and suicidal following a severe concussion, she had a fascinating idea for how to get better. She dove into the scientific research...
View Article‘Mind-Control’ gaming devices leak users’ secrets | KurzweilAI
In a study of 28 subjects wearing brain-machine interface devices built by companies like Neurosky and Emotiv and marketed to consumers for gaming and attention exercises, researchers found they were...
View ArticleBrain-controlled: the user interface of the future | Digital Trends
"Brain-computer interfaces are quickly becoming more advanced and accessible, and some of the ways they're being used are truly mind-boggling.Why toil with the pressing of buttons or tilting of...
View Article8 Amazing Ways Google Glasses Will Change Education - Online Universities
Educators and students can expect to see some amazing changes to the educational experience when Google Glasses show up in the classroom.See it on, via Cognitive Enhancement Technologies
View ArticleEinstein Brain Trainer HD v1 0 4 - Android on Mediafire
Feed your brain with a personal coach!If you want to stay young at heart, and sharp mentally, take a few minutes a day and train your brain with Einstein� Brain Trainer HD! Sly fox, studious student or...
View ArticleBrain fitness meets HRV and EEG biometrics and neuroinformatics | SharpBrains
"When I started reading on the subject of brain fitness a few years ago, I recognized the potential to enhance a variety of brain training approaches, from meditation to cognitive...
View ArticleGames to Sharpen the Brain-Wall Street Journal
If two start-ups have their way, video games might cure more than just boredom. They could also be used to treat attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. Akili Interactive Labs Inc. of Boston, formed...
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